Lavender blue, color of the sky, of flowers, of eyes and of certain ties of leaders of industry. This color, in and of itself, contains the painter's whole world.
Perhaps this blooming lavender field is only the mirror of a sky cleared by a breeze of Mistral wind in Haute-Provence. The yellow colza, a complimentary color, emphasizes even more the well-arranged rows. Max-Agostini loved to paint lavender fields as much as poppies. Lavender blue and the bright red of poppies, two colors as splendid as rare in Nature. His paintings of these plants universally admired for their Proven�al perfumes, so strong that one perceives them going by, even in the world's many airports, transport us to this vibrant field. A painter travels with his eyes and paintbrush, and takes us with him on this sensual voyage. |