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Available Prints View All Prints                                                                                          



I Dans le Jardin du Trocad�ro (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
In the Trocad�ro Garden (E 561 12 F)

70 �uros
$84 US


II Terrasse � Saint-Germain-des-Pr�s (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Terrace at Saint-Germain-des-Pr�s (E 601 20 M)

70 �uros
$84 US


III Bassin d'enfants au Jardin des Tuileries (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Children's Pond at the Tuileries Garden (E 158 12 P)

70 �uros
$84 US


IV Champs de lavandes (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Lavender Field (E 76 20 P)

70 �uros
$84 US


V Drapeaux sur les Champs-Elys�es (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Flags on the Champs-Elys�es ( F 111 15 P) 

70 �uros
$84 US


VI Champs de coquelicots dans le Berry (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Red Poppy Fields in the Berry (F 14 60 F)

70 �uros
$84 US


VII All�e fleurie an Hollande (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Flowered Path in Holland (E 865 60 P)

70 �uros
$84 US


VIII Jeune Fille dans la barque, Giverny (50 x 57cm)(20 x 22.5in)
Young Girl in Rowboat, Giverny (E 710 30 F)

70 �uros
$84 US


IX Jardin du Trocad�ro (66 x 77cm)(26 x 30in)
Trocad�ro Garden (E 486 25 P)

137 �uros
$164 US


X Cueillette de fleurs (66 x 77cm)(26 x 30in)
Gathering Flowers (E 238 12 P) 

137 �uros
$164 US


XI Barque sur l'�tang � Giverny (66 x 77cm)(26 x 30in)
Rowboat on the Pond, Giverny (E 730 30 F)

137 �uros
$164 US


Art Book (544 pages, 880 illustrations, 797 in color)
"Retrospective - The Mystery of Creation" By Janet Greenberg

130 �uros
$156 US


This 56 page color catalog,
"25th Anniversary - A Gallery Director'Choice" especially designed to celebrate this quarter of a century, illustrates the collaboration between the gallery owner and the artist.

26 �uros
$31 US


VHS video (20 minutes)
"Max-Agostini: His Life and his Works"  Film by Janet Greenberg USA Telly Award Winner 1989 for best artistic documentary.

33 �uros
$39 US




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