25th   Anniversary   Coverage

  1. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini, L'impressionisme francais sur Internet/French Impressionism on Internet, Der franzosische Impressionismus auf Internet" (November-December 1999 page one
  2. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "100 R�ponses � Vos Questions"  (November 1999) page one
  3. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "100 R�ponses � Vos Questions" (November 1999)  page two
  4. Arts Actualiti�s Magazine, "100 Answers to your questions"  (November 1999)
  5. Atlantica Magazine, " 25 ans"  (November 1999)
  6. Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini:  Impressioniste Contemporain"  (October 1999)
  7. Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini:  Contemporary Impressionism"  (October 1999) page one
  8. Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini:  Contemporary Impressionism" (October 1999) page two
  9. Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini:  Contemporary Impressionism"  (October 1999)  page three
  10. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)"  (September, October 1999) page one
  11. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)"  (September, October 1999) page two
  12. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)"  (September, October 1999) page three
  13. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)"  (September, October 1999) page four
  14. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)"  (September, October 1999) page one
  15. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)"  (September, October 1999) page two
  16. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)"  (September, October 1999) page three
  17. Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)"  (September, October 1999) page four
  18. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort"  (October 1999) page one
  19. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort"  (October 1999) page two
  20. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort"  (October 1999) page three
  21. Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort"  (October 1999) page four
  22. Paris Capitale, "Max-Agostini" (October 1999)
  23. Valeurs Actuelles, "Max-Agostini" (October 1999)
  24. Where Paris, "Fte de l'Art" (September 1999)
  25. L'Oeil, "Les Nocturnes de la Rive Droite" (September 1999)
  26. Connaissance des Arts, "En Bref" (September 1999 )
  27. The European Magazine, "25th Anniversario de la Baleria Martin-Caille Matignon" (August 16, 1999)
  28. La Une, Journal d' information et de libert�, "Max-Agostini, The Prince of Contemporary Impressionism" (August 1999 )
  29. La Une, Journal d' information et de libert�, "Max-Agostini, The Prince of Contemporary Impressionism" (August 1999) (part two)