Anniversary Coverage
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini, L'impressionisme francais sur Internet/French Impressionism on Internet, Der franzosische Impressionismus auf Internet" (November-December 1999 page one
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "100 R�ponses � Vos Questions" (November 1999) page one
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "100 R�ponses � Vos Questions" (November 1999) page two
Arts Actualiti�s Magazine, "100 Answers to your questions" (November 1999)
Atlantica Magazine, " 25 ans" (November 1999)
Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini: Impressioniste Contemporain" (October 1999)
Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini: Contemporary Impressionism" (October 1999) page one
Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini: Contemporary Impressionism" (October 1999) page two
Absolute Marbella, "Max-Agostini: Contemporary Impressionism" (October 1999) page three
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)" (September, October 1999) page one
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)" (September, October 1999) page two
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)" (September, October 1999) page three
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (French, English, German)" (September, October 1999) page four
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)" (September, October 1999) page one
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)" (September, October 1999) page two
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)" (September, October 1999) page three
Grand Tour, "Max-Agostini (Italian, English, Spanish)" (September, October 1999) page four
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort" (October 1999) page one
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort" (October 1999) page two
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort" (October 1999) page three
Arts Actualit�s Magazine, "Max-Agostini, Impressionnisme: pas mort" (October 1999) page four
Paris Capitale, "Max-Agostini" (October 1999
Valeurs Actuelles, "Max-Agostini" (October 1999
Where Paris, "F
te de l'Art" (September 1999)
L'Oeil, "Les Nocturnes de la Rive Droite" (September 1999
Connaissance des Arts, "En Bref" (September 1999
The European Magazine, "25th Anniversario de la Baleria Martin-Caille Matignon" (August 16, 1999
La Une, Journal d' information et de libert�, "Max-Agostini, The Prince of Contemporary Impressionism" (August 1999
La Une, Journal d' information et de libert�, "Max-Agostini, The Prince of Contemporary Impressionism" (August 1999) (part two)