1994 - Jardin du Rond-Point des Champs-Elys�es             81 x 100 cm (32 x 39 in.)
          Garden at the Rond-Point of the Champs-Elys�es      F 25 40 F

During their Parisian stays, MAX-AGOSTINI and Pierrette were always accompanied by their dog, "Vicky." They had found a small, quiet, comfortable hotel in the eighth district, not far from the gallery, which accepted pets. We very often went to lunch at the Berkeley on Avenue Matignon which gave them a chance to walk Vicky in the Rond-Point of the Champs-Elys�es garden, right across the street. This small pocket of greenery, appreciated by both Parisians and foreigners alike, had a strange atmosphere to it. For those who lived in the French provinces, it was kind of a reminder of home for them. Parisian bustle seemed to slow down, especially the first nice days of spring. People on the park benches would take advantage of the pale sun to warm up, but wary, they still kept their coats on. In the distance, one can make out the colorful awnings of the terrace caf�s and seem to guess cars stopped at the red light.

Pendant leurs s�jours parisiens, MAX-AGOSTINI et Pierrette �taient toujours accompagn�s de leur chien,"Vicky." Ils avaient trouv� un petit h�tel calme et  confortable dans le 8�me arrondissement, pas loin de la galerie, qui voulait bien l'accepter. Tr�s souvent, nous allions d�jeuner au Berkeley, avenue Matignon, ce qui leur permettait de promener Vicky dans le Jardin du Rond-Point des Champs-�lys�es, en face. Pour les gens qui venaient des provinces fran�aises, ce petit coin de verdure, appr�ci� autant par les Parisiens que par les �trangers, avait un c�t� insolite - c'�tait presqu'un souvenir de chez eux. La vie parisienne semblait �tre au ralenti, surtout pendant les premiers beaux jours de printemps. Les gens sur les bancs profitaient d'un faible rayon de soleil pour se r�chauffer, mais prudents quand m�me, ils gardaient leurs manteaux. Au loin, on devine les stores color�s des terrasses de caf�, et on soup�onne les voitures arr�t�es au feu rouge.