1989 - Chaland sur la Seine 46 x 61 cm (18 x 24 in.) Every time MAX-AGOSTINI came to Paris (mostly for
the openings of his exhibitions that I organized at the gallery) he would go location spotting for Paris scenes to use in his next paintings. The Seine River was always one of his favorite themes; the current made changing
reflections and the water's surface dazzled with light. He was so preoccupied with this subject that he must have painted each and every bridge in Paris from every possible viewpoint. The other attraction on the boats and barges
were the multicolored flags that waved and turned over their wakes. He was amused by the vibrating effect he could obtain on the whole canvas with just these little touches of color. On the river banks, small characters went about
their business and animated the cement's coolness. Nevertheless, after a few days, Max was anxious to return to his studio and especially to its calm atmosphere, which was so necessary for his inspiration. Chaque
fois que MAX-AGOSTINI venait � Paris (la plupart du temps pour les vernissages de ses �uvres que j'organisais � la galerie), il rep�rait des vues de Paris pour ses prochains tableaux. La Seine a toujours �t� un de ses th�mes
favoris, car le courant donnait des reflets changeants, et la surface de l'eau renvoyait la lumi�re qui l'�blouissait. Il a d� peindre tous les ponts de Paris sous chaque perspective possible, tellement ce sujet lui trottait dans
la t�te. L'autre attraction �tait les drapeaux multicolores que les bateaux et chalands faisaient virevolter dans leur sillons. Il s'amusait avec ces petites touches de couleur, � faire vibrer toute une toile. Le long des berges,
de petits personnages vaquaient � leurs occupations, et animaient ce ciment un peu froid. N�anmoins, au bout de quelques jours, Max avait h�te de retrouver son atelier et surtout le calme ambiant qui contribuait tant � son
inspiration. |