1979 - La plage à Cassis 46 x 55 cm (18 x 22 in) MAX-AGOSTINI was very attracted to
the small Mediterranean fishing village of Cassis, thirty kilometers from Marseilles. He went there often, following the coast by the Corniche route, stopping to paint the turquoise sea below. The fishermen coming back to port with
their holds full, and amused by the way Max "captured" them on his canvas, would give him a crate full of sardines, still alive, as a gift! At Cassis, one of the artist's favorite subjects was the Bestouan beach, with its
large white rocks on which the swimmers would sunbathe, and in the background, the Cap Canaille cliff, towering over the ocean at three hundred sixty-two meters. Max also did several paintings of the fjords, as well as the
surrounding hillsides covered with umbrella pine trees. MAX-AGOSTINI �tait tr�s attir� par le petit port de p�che m�diterran�en de Cassis, � trente kilom�tres de Marseille. Il s'y rendait souvent par la Corniche,
s'arr�tant sur les hauteurs pour peindre la mer turquoise en-dessous. Les p�cheurs revenant au port avec leurs cales pleines, et, amus�s par la fa�on dont Max les avait "croqu�s" sur sa toile, lui faisaient cadeau d'un
cageot plein de sardines encore vivantes! � Cassis, un des sujets favoris de l'artiste, �tait la plage du Bestouan avec ses grands rochers blancs sur lesquels les baigneurs prenaient le soleil, et au fond, la falaise du Cap
Canaille, dominant la mer � 362 m�tres de haut. Max a fait aussi plusieurs toiles des calanques, ainsi que des collines des environs couvertes de pins parasols. |